There are various agencies that are highly specialized in different types of Aerocity Escort and clients are extremely satisfied with these amazing services. The escorts are arranged by the escort agencies and the clients contact these agencies by telephone and they offer the description in detail of the type of escorts they want. Then the agency suggests an escort who might to the client’s needs to the best. The agency collects the information about the client and calls the escort. The agency arranges the appointment between the client and the escort in order to protect the privacy or identity of the escort.

Different Types of Services by Escorts

Depending on the need of clients, the escort agencies provide in call or out call services as the clients wish. All these services have different fees depending upon the types of escort services. The independent escorts are free to work as they wish and can satisfy their clients as these call girls do not have any bonding from escort agencies. Now working as an outcall escort, is not an offence as well as neither working as prostitute in private. The payment made by escort depends on many factors like sexual attractiveness, commissions paid to the agency or competition from legal or illegal resources. The escort agency arranges the meeting between an escort and the clients. An escort agency charges fees depending upon the type of services, they either charge flat fee for each client or upon the percentage of pre-arranged rate.